Я бы сказал, это похоже на мир моей мечты)
Свои карты юзер YNot1989 сопроводил подробным альтернативноисторическим сценарием, в котором начало изменений связано с одним неординарным человеком. Доктор Исаак Андреевич Чацкин из Одессы открывает пенициллин раньше, чем это произошло в реальности, и это запускает все последующие события.
1889 - Penicillin is discovered by Isaac Andreyevich Chatzkin in Odessa. The discovery is hailed as a miracle and leads to increased support for the Medical Society of Odessa from the Romanov Dynasty and foreign benefactors. Tsar Alexander III orders the MSO's members to begin training people to manufacture large quantities of penicillin.
1891 - Chatzkin and the MSO begin recruiting medical researchers from across the Russian Empire to study bacteriology, virology, and immunology. Most of the research staff are Jews like Chatzkin. The advent of antibiotics by the largely Jewish MSO leads to cooling of antisemitic sentiment in Russia. Tsar Alexander III does not reverse many of the antisemitic laws of the Russian Empire, but he does not attempt to inflame antisemitic sentiment either.
1903 - Tsar Nicholas II finally grants Russian Jews full citizenship rights within the Empire. The Tsar becomes an outspoken patron of the Russian medical and chemical industries, and authorizes the founding of Chatzkin University in Odessa to further the sciences.
1914 - With the largest army in the world, at 5.9 million men, supported by a national road and rail network built in the western territories of the Empire with help from foreign investors over the last 25 years, Russia is well positioned to counter the Central Powers at the outbreak of the Great War.
1915 - The Germans suffer a crushing defeat at the Battle of Tannenberg and Eastern Prussia falls to the Russians. The Russian Empire's southern forces successfully turn back the Hapsburgs, driving them into the Carpathians. Fearing Russian domination of northern Europe after the fall of Germany's eastern front, the United States declares War on Germany after the sinking of a civilian ocean liner.
1917 - Berlin sues for peace after the Spartacus League successfully kills the Kaiser with help from defecting troops of the German Army. The Great War ends with the Entente victorious. East Prussia is partitioned creating an independent Duchy of Pomerania, an occupied East Prussia, while Silesia is transferred to the newly independent Kingdom of Bohemia.
1919 - Ataturk and the Turkish National Movement are defeated thanks to a combined Russian-Greek campaign. Turkey's partition is formalized by the Great Powers with several new buffer states created from the Ottoman corpse.
1920 - A communist insurrection in Hungary is easily put down by the military dictatorship established near the end of the Great War. At the signing of the Treaty of Trianon, the great powers are finally able convince the Hungarians to cede their former Croatian holdings to the newly formed Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
1921- The Weimar Constitution is adopted in Germany, reducing the Monarchy to a figurehead position. Wilhelm III is crowned High King of Germany, but is generally seen as a weak leader to the German people.
1929 - Facing economic ruin and a lackluster response from the Reichstag, King Rupprecht I of Bavaria declares independence from Germany. The Bavarian uprising is repressed by Prince Eitel Friedrich and Marshal August von Mackensen. After the uprising is crushed, Friedrich calls for his brother to step down, a new constitution to be drafted reinstating the Empire, and declares himself Emperor Friedrich IV with Makensen's support. With most of the Army on Friedrich's side, and anti-Wilhelm Riots in Berlin, the Reichstag hastily drafts a new constitution and compels Wilhelm to abdicate. The only High King of Germany is spared death by his brother, and forced into exile in Switzerland.
1938 - Emperor Friedrich demands the return of German territory taken in the Great War. Russia refuses and Germany mounts an invasion to retake its former territories after Germany signs a neutrality pact with the British and French.
1940 - Japan launches a surprise attack on Russia's far eastern territories. With Russia now facing a two front war, and Poland captured, Germany turns on the West and Operation Alaric launches a massive invasion of France and the Low countries.
1942 - The Battle of Kiev ends in a Russian victory and Germany begins its long retreat. Tsar Alexei II dies once victory is achieved. George Mikhailovich, Count Brasov, the Emperor's cousin is recalled from service aboard the Battleship Nicholas II is crowned Tsar George I. With the threat of Russian dominance over western Europe, President Quentin Roosevelt brings the United States into World War II.
1943 - The Western Allies invade France and begin driving the Germans out. Russia begs the United States to abandon its nuetrality pact with Japan, but the Americans are not willing to start a naval war with an important trading partner.
1944 - With the Germans preparing for an ugly campaign of resistance, Russia shocks the world by dropping the first Atomic bomb on Rostock and a second on Potsdam. Germany surrenders shortly before the Western Allies reach the Elbe. In the East the Americans finally end their neutrality pact and Declare war on Japan, taking their South Pacific claims and sinking what remains of the Imperial Japanese Navy. With the Japanese army exhausted from years of fighting in China and the Russian Far East, and Prime Minister Yamamoto fearing a coup from Field Marshal Tojo, Japan agrees to the American armastice.
1949 - The United States successfully detonates its first Atomic Bomb.
1950 - The Chinese Civil War ends in a Monarchist victory and the formal establishment of the Sheng Dynasty. Tsar George I organizes a dynastic union between his son and the German crown princess.
"Таким образом, холодная война не заканчивается в 1989 году. В этом году Германия и Россия образуют личную унию, при этом российский царь также становится немецким императором.
Космическая гонка – это гонка, в которой Россия должна проиграть. Они опередили США в высадке на Луну, но США осуществили очень рискованную посадку на Марс в 1975 году. Большая часть космических ресурсов сосредоточена на низкой орбите для ремонта спутников, как и в реальности. Россия и США имеют свои собственные флоты космических шаттлов, а их исследовательские программы поддерживают ряд баз на Марсе, которые по состоянию на 2022 год сопоставимы с антарктическими аванпостами в нашем мире с точки зрения населения и относительного культурного воздействия.
У обеих сторон есть самолеты-невидимки, авианосные ударные группы и, что немаловажно, независимые интернет-сети в масштабах их блоков. Глобального Интернета не существует, есть американский и российский, которыми пользуются их различные союзники".
Eastern Promised Land
Я бы сказал, это похоже на мир моей мечты)
Свои карты юзер YNot1989 сопроводил подробным альтернативноисторическим сценарием, в котором начало изменений связано с одним неординарным человеком. Доктор Исаак Андреевич Чацкин из Одессы открывает пенициллин раньше, чем это произошло в реальности, и это запускает все последующие события.
Свои карты юзер YNot1989 сопроводил подробным альтернативноисторическим сценарием, в котором начало изменений связано с одним неординарным человеком. Доктор Исаак Андреевич Чацкин из Одессы открывает пенициллин раньше, чем это произошло в реальности, и это запускает все последующие события.